Satisfactory Academic Progress



  • 标准

    There are three components of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):

    Grade Point Average (GPA)
    • 至少2.0 cumulative GPA
    Completion Rate
    • 66.66% cumulative completion rate between hours attempted and hours completed
    Maximum Hours
    • 为获得副学士学位,不超过99学时的大学水平课程(不包括30学时的补习课程)
    • 学士学位(BSN)不超过180学时(不包括30学时的补习课程)


    To view Alamo 大学 区 detailed SAP Policy, click 在这里. To view your own Satisfactory Academic Progress, log in to your ace portal below.

    How To Check Your SAP Status

  • Determining SAP Status

    十大网赌正规网址官网区将在春季成绩公布后每年对SAP状态进行一次审查, typically the last week of May.

    Once the process is run, 不符合SAP标准的学生将被列入“暂停经济援助”名单,不再有资格获得经济援助. Any offers of future semester awards will be removed from your account. If you are placed on financial aid suspension, you have the option to submit an appeal to regain eligibility.


    所有夏季和未来的秋季和春季奖项都是暂定的,基于SAP的最终评估. Additionally, 夏天 awards will not disburse until SAP has been reviewed.


Financial 援助 上诉s

联邦法规规定,一旦你被“经济援助暂停”,你就有机会对失去的经济援助资格提出上诉。, 认识到可能存在妨碍您达到最低SAP标准的情况.

  • 上诉

    Financial 援助 上诉s are submitted via your ace portal you have met with your Certified Academic Advisor. 

    How to 提交 Your 上诉

    Supporting Documents

    After submitting your appeal via ace, 您必须提交任何文件,以支持和证明发生的情况,导致你不能保持令人满意的学业进展.


    提交 Supporting Documents

  • Financial 援助 上诉 Submission Dates 


      2024年夏天: No 上诉 Process

      2024年秋季: May 1 – Jun 27, 2024

      2025年春季: Sep 9 - Nov 1, 2024

      Summer 2025: No 上诉 Process


  • 处理

    在处理高峰期,SAP申诉的审核时间可能长达7周. 上诉将根据收到的日期进行审查,不能加急. 


    我们不能保证你的上诉会被批准,所有的决定都是最终的. 一旦批准或拒绝,将向您的ace财务援助门户发送消息. If approved, SAP appeals allow financial aid eligibility to be renewed.

    学生 who are resuspended, or who's appeal is denied, may submit a new appeal during the next scheduled appeal period.


What can I do to make sure I remain in good SAP standing?

根据SAP政策,避免逃课或获得不被认为通过的成绩, and follow your degree plan and meet with an advisor regularly. 

What will happen if my appeal is approved but I don't end up attending?

如果您在提交并批准上诉的学期内没有参加十大网赌正规网址官网区, the approval will be voided and your SAP status will be returned to suspension.

然而, 如果你在申请提交和批准的学期内完成了在十大网赌正规网址官网区的出勤, 你续签的经济援助资格可以延长到一(1)学年. At the end of this non-enrollment period, your financial aid eligibility will be returned to suspension.

How does SAP affect dual credit students?

由于在参加十大网赌正规网址官网区之前获得的大学学分, 新入学的双学分学生进入秋季或春季将被放置在SAP试用期,直到春季结束常规SAP流程运行.

Why is my SAP status not available?

Please make sure you have

1) completed the 应用Texas application for admission,

2) completed your FAFSA and

3) that the Alamo 大学 区 has successfully received your FAFSA.


Your academic history, including hours transferred into the Alamo 大学 区, is cumulative and never resets itself. Once you are in violation of SAP requirements, 暂停状态一直保持到上诉获得批准或取得足够进展为止. Transferred hours count towards maximum attempted hours.

I've been removed from Academic Dismissal or am approved for Academic Fresh Start, does this remove me from financial aid suspension?

No. 被批准的请愿书或学术重新开始不会影响你的经济援助暂停. 只有通过经济援助上诉委员会批准的上诉才能恢复学生的资格. 

I'm on financial aid suspension, can I still apply for a Direct Loan?

No. 你的停学状态会影响所有联邦援助的资格,包括直接贷款. 


No. 优先处理日期不适用于恢复经济援助申请. 


Thumbnail of What does SAP stand for?