
April 24, 2024

District Communications


At a special meeting held on April 23, 2024, 十大网赌正规网址官网地区董事会选择了帕洛阿尔托学院(PAC)的学生 Logan Martinez as the new student trustee. 

马丁内斯的任期为一年,从2024年5月1日至2025年4月30日. In 2014, 十大网赌正规网址官网区是德克萨斯州第一个任命学生受托人的社区学院系统. 

“We extend our gratitude to Brandon Aviado, our outgoing student trustee, and outgoing student trustee alternate, Arali Garcia, 以表彰他们代表十大网赌正规网址官网在州和国家层面的杰出服务,” said Dr. Mike Flores, Alamo Colleges District Chancellor. “我们期待看到我们的新学生代表将为我们的董事会做出宝贵的贡献.”

马丁内斯在政治行动委员会学习政治学,成绩为4.0 GPA. He plans to transfer to Texas A&M University-San Antonio to obtain a bachelor's degree. 他未来的教育目标包括在圣·霍普金斯大学获得宪法或国际法法学博士学位. Mary’s University. 

他目前在帕洛阿尔托学院担任领导职务. He is the Student Body President, President of Catch the Next-PAC chapter, PAC Presidential Ambassador, Vice President for PACMen, and Vice President of Leadership for Phi Theta Kappa. He is a work-study in PAC’s student life department. 

Before enrolling in the Alamo Colleges, 马丁内斯是美国劳工联合会和工业组织大会的现场组织者. 此后,他多次参与竞选市议会和立法机构候选人的政治活动. 

When he is not involved in school-related activities, Martinez enjoys spending time with friends and family, including his two nieces, and studying philosophy, history and geopolitics. 


St. Philip’s College student Eliron Rosin was named as the alternate student trustee. 如果马丁内斯不能出席董事会会议,他将出席.

Eliron Rosin Headshot

Rosin is a St. 菲利普学院从沃拉-沃拉大学飞行项目转过来的学生,也是第一代美国人,他的兄弟们在东北湖景学院上学. Rosin has a background in service and, from a young age, had an interest in emergency management, 甚至还完成了许多fema相关的课程,并在他升入高中的那一年获得了讲师证书. Since then, 为了更好地了解他的社区,松香一直在为国会服务,甚至还在国会实习. 他的目标是利用自己的经验来帮助学生进步.



Alex Midkiff Headshot

Northeast Lakeview College student Alex Midkiff -一个专注的学生领袖,通过各种角色和参与积极塑造他的校园社区. 米德基夫热衷于促进文化交流,体现了同理心、倡导和合作.

Wilhelm Watson Headshot

Northwest Vista College student Wilhelm Watson -毕业于北城创新、技术和创业学院. 沃森即将在西北维斯塔学院(Northwest Vista College)读完一年级,他计划完成理学副学士学位,然后转到德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校(University of Texas at San Antonio)主修计算机科学. 沃森还是网络安全俱乐部、国家网络联盟和STEM项目的成员

Jada Valdez Headshot

San Antonio College student Jada Valdez – a student leader who is passionate about social work, 特别关注曾经或现在被监禁的个人和有风险的青少年. With her achievements, extracurricular involvement, leadership experience, and vision for the future, 她已经准备好迎接新的挑战,并为她周围的世界做出积极的贡献.